meowdy paw-dner!

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a fox jumping into the post.


been applying for more jobs. feels a little strange to have more people following my personal website than my professional one, but i can't exactly put all my personal wrirting on my professional website because i say the fuck word. also telling employers you're batshit insane isn't exactly a good look. random strangers though? totally fine. still not sure what's up with my code on that website, it just keeps breaking. ah well. project for the week, i suppose.


was in vegas for lvlupexpo on friday! i cosplayed vanilla from nekopara.

so why nekopara?

so, i've only played the first game, but i loved it. on the surface level, what's not to like? there's catgirls, there's catgirls. okay, so there's catgirls. the plot is absolutely insane. there's a bizarre incest plot with the main character's little sister? it's also unclear, whether in this universe, catgirls use litterboxes or toilets. but that's unrelated.
for the uninitiated, nekopara is a hentai visual novel about a young man and his two sort-of-pet catgirls, chocola and vanilla. our main character runs away from home and stars his own bakery, but vanilla and chocola tagged along. in this universe, catgirls are kept as pets, and must wear collars when outside or they'll be taken to the pound, like some dystopia, due to high rates of catgirls committing crimes. anyway. main character and chocola and vanilla all have a fun cute time together where they fall in love and then they bone. explicitly. sexily. main character is then so tired from fucking that he has to go to the hospital.(???) truly the most game of all time! anyway. be kind out there. enjoy your weird hentai games.


i often wonder about other people's creative challenges. creativity is so different for everyone. for me, it relies on my bipolar disorder to even function, and aphantasia means that i have trouble envisioning whatever i'm thinking about. it's weird being mostly stable, since my creativity is so heavily buried under medication. that said, i wouldn't trade the stability for the creativity, in any case. i'll just deal. art has been a good exercise, since i need to look at references in order to draw, well, anything!! something something dutiful practice or whatever. we stay winning.

it was interesting to see the f+f drama unfold. like, boss, i'm just here to make a webbed site. fascinating.


i live! i made it back! i'm also making this site mobile accessible, and alt text accessible....slowly! @media my beloved. i do not understand and yet. i code. on the list of things to do: format my writing. add fun little gif separators to break up walls of text. i uploaded some of my new pictures from the trip to my photos page as well. it was so dry out there that my lip split, and that's my reminder to always bring chapstick.


i spent most of today prepping the meals for the camping trip. five hours of work to go be feral in the desert for a few days. it's really worth it, though; i absolutely love the deserts out here. sweeping vistas, canyons, even the wildfire scars are beautiful in their own way. (please be fire safe. wildfires are no joke!!) reader, anywhere in the desert is worth a visit. the whole landscape is so unique and so detailed. the geological, archaeological, anthropological, ecological history of the western desert is honestly some of my favorite to study, and i think i'll always be passionate about it. it's definitely spoiled me; i don't think i can live anywhere too far from the middle of nowhere or i might go a little bit more stir crazy than i already do.
i like to browse the last updated page here on neocities, i find so many cool little sites! they've inspired me to work on my own a little more, and i think i'm going to start updating it bit by bit. everyone is so creative and passionate; it's inspiring!!


made a page for art. i also included my graphic design, because why not! it's in no particular order. graphics courteously stolen from my professional portfoio and linked here for your convenience, dear reader.